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Editorial Process

The Editor is appointed by the chair of the Publication committee for a term of three years with approval by the executive committee. The role of editor can be shared by two people serving as co-editors. The editor manages the publication including: Call for submissions Manages deadlines Acknowledges receipt of submissions Determines what articles will be published Reviews and edits the final files ready for publication

The Editor will appoint at least two general editors for a term of one year to review the articles and make corrections or comments.

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Submission and Review

The call for submissions will be made September 15 and the deadline for submissions will be February 15. Authors should submit manuscripts to the PTRCA Editor / PTRCA Publications Committee Chair. Articles should be submitted in one of three categories: Scholarly Articles, Featured Articles, or Book Reviews. (See “Article Types” section below.) The PTRCA Editor will acknowledge the receipt of the manuscript and initiate the review process: The Editor may reject without formal review submissions that are out of scope or poorly written. Submissions accepted for formal review will be reviewed first by the Editor and secondly by two other members of the editorial board, before being returned to the Editor for final review. Authors will be notified if their article will be accepted as is, if it will be accepted with minor changes and edits, if it will be returned to them requiring revision, or if it is rejected.

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Authors are not required to be members of PTRCA. Authors are encouraged to include an ORCID identifier. Articles should be submitted in one of the following three categories:


By submitting a paper to this journal, the author acknowledges: The author holds the copyright. The author gives PTRCA permission to publish the article, archive it, distribute it, receive attribution for the citation, and migrate the work to other formats.

The author is liable for any violations of copyright. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission for the use of any copyrighted information, including images, in their articles.

If a paper is republished elsewhere it must state that it was originally published in PTRCA Journal and include the PTRCA Journal URL. External links to this journal and to individual articles are welcome as long as no charge is made for access to this material.

The author states that this is original work, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by another journal.

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Scholarly Articles

Scholarly articles should include substantive content in the area of intellectual property of interest to researchers in this field. Manuscripts should be at least 2,000 words. Authors are responsible for formatting references in the APA Style. Submissions will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) so that authors may track how their articles are being used. Article ownership and copyright will be negotiated with Purdue University Press in the depository agreement. When major changes are required, the Editor may return the submission to the author for revision. The Editorial Board will make necessary copy edits for style, grammar, and clarity. The final version of the accepted manuscript will be shared with the authors and made available for preview before publication.

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Manuscripts accepted under this category should focus on innovations, programs, strategies, practical matters and other items related to operating a PTRC. Currency: Articles should report on PTRC news “from the field” that has occurred since the last publication of the PTRCA Journal. Where possible, articles should report on PTRC news that has practical relevance to other PTRCs across the nation. Articles should be written in an informal and informative manner that quickly tells readers why your subject is current and relevant. Manuscripts should be between 500 and 1,000 words. Authors are encouraged to submit artwork (1-3 photographs) with the article with concise descriptions that may be used alongside the artwork in publication. Individuals prominently featured in photos should be identified by name and relationship to the PTRC (representative, researcher, inventor, user, USPTO official, fellow, etc.). Anyone identified should be informed that their image may be published in the PTRCA Journal.

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Book Reviews

Books are selected based on their relevance to intellectual property research, or other issues pertinent to operating a PTRC. Those interested in reviewing books should submit their name to the PTRCA journal editor. Books will be distributed among the reviewers as they become available. Manuscripts should be between 800 and 1,200 words.

General Terms and Conditions of Use

Users of the Clemson OPEN website and/or software agree not to misuse the Clemson OPEN service or software in any way.

The failure of Clemson OPEN to exercise or enforce any right or provision in the policies or the Submission Agreement does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. If any term of the Submission Agreement or these policies is found to be invalid, the parties nevertheless agree that the court should endeavor to give effect to the parties' intentions as reflected in the provision, and the other provisions of the Submission Agreement and these policies remain in full force and effect. These policies and the Submission Agreement constitute the entire agreement between Clemson OPEN and the Author(s) regarding submission of the Article.

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