Agricultural Education
Integrated Pest Management: Concepts and Strategies
Publication Date
Spring 5-1-2020
Publication Number
LGP 1051
Integrated pest management (IPM) is a system of pest management relying on using all available strategies to reduce costs to producers and environmental impacts. This article provides an overview of the basic concepts of integrated pest management (IPM). The intended audience includes new farmers, consultants, and all those involved in pest management. It can be used in conjunction with specific pest management recommendations to make informed decisions that utilize principles of IPM.
Target Audiences
Producers, researchers, educators, extension
Recommended Citation
Bryant T, Reay-Jones FPF. Integrated Pest Management: Concepts and Strategies. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2020. LGP 1051.