Featured Publications
Early Modern Culture
ISSN 1939-0246
Founded in 2000 by David Siar and Crystal Bartolovich, Early Modern Culture strives to create something like the active and on-going inquiry of a good seminar. Hence, the journal publishes works-in-progress by major scholars in early modern studies, along with a set of responses from readers.
Tigerprints hosts volumes ten through fourteen. Issues one through nine are located at Earlymodernculture.org.
As of 2019, Early Modern Culture is no longer accepting submissions.

International Journal of Interpreter Education
ISSN 2150-5772
The International Journal of Interpreter Education (IJIE) is a pioneering journal covering topics of interest to all those researching and working in interpreter education. The Editors welcome material on any aspect of interpreter education theory, policy, application or practice that will advance thinking in the field. IJIE addresses issues of current and future concern to interpreter educators, encouraging interdisciplinary discussion.
International Yeats Studies
ISSN 2475-9627
International Yeats Studies is an open access, peer-reviewed publication of The International Yeats Society, which was founded in 2015 to promote the study of W. B. Yeats in a global context. The journal features original scholarship of the highest quality from Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, as well as book and performance reviews. Focused broadly on Yeats’s place in world literature at this moment of critical reassessment, with the ongoing publication of his complete letters and critical editions of his works, the journal provides a venue for scholars seeking to engage with and shape the direction of Yeats studies.
Journal of Rural Social Sciences
ISSN 2151-4178
The Journal of Rural Social Sciences (JRSS) is the official peer-reviewed journal of the Southern Rural Sociological Association. JRSS is focused on disseminating scholarly works that build knowledge and have the potential to inform development practice and policy across social, economic, cultural, and environmental domains.
See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Journal of South Carolina Water Resources
ISSN 2334-4962
The Journal of South Carolina Water Resources is an annual peer-reviewed journal dedicated to scientific research and policy on all aspects of water management to prepare for and meet the growing challenge of providing water resources for sustainable growth of South Carolina’s economy while preserving its natural resources.
View past issues at this link. You may also browse the issues by volume, author name, and topics by using the dropdown menu and search bar in the left column menu on this page
2025 CALL FOR SUBMITTALS: Annual Issue
The editorial committee has implemented a rolling submissions process. All papers accepted in 2025 will be part of the 2025 issue. For papers that are a part of the Water Chats webinar series, they will receive a note distinguishing the paper as a part of that series. The JSCWR will also post accepted articles on a separate page on the JSCWR website until typesetting can be finalized and then the final article will be posted with the annual issue as normal. This will allow authors to cite their work in a timelier fashion.
All submittals are to be related to South Carolina water resources or applicable to water resource professionals within the private, public, or academic sectors in South Carolina. General categories of submissions invited by the editorial committee include data-driven analysis and policy or case study management.
Suggested Topics:
- Monitoring Source and Waste Waters for Health Protection
- Climate Change - Water Cycle Assessment, Management and Planning
- Stormwater Science and Management
- Community Engagement, Citizen Science and Resiliency
- Surface and Groundwater Use Assessment and Management
- Estuarine, Coastal and Beaches Water Monitoring, Modeling and Management
- Drought and Flooding Major Extremes Monitoring and Adaptation
- Wetland Science, Restoration and Management
Please contact the Managing Staff Editor at tcwalke@clemson.edu if you have any questions.
2024 Special Issue
As part of the Water Chats program, the South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium, Clemson Extension, and SC Water Resources Center coordinated the 2024 Journal of South Carolina Water Resources Special Issue focused on water quality research, natural resource management applications, and outreach and communication strategies. Water Chats is a technical training program designed to facilitate access to and use of new and emerging water quality research to inform natural resource management decisions in South Carolina. The Special Issue was published in late fall of 2024.

Journal of the Patent and Trademark Resource Center Association
JPTRCA publishes articles about intellectual property and entrepreneurship (primarily relating to patents and trademarks) of interest to librarians and information specialists in this field. It serves as a means to share related research, successful programs, conference papers, and book reviews.

Journal of Youth Development
ISSN 2325-4017
Welcome to the Journal of Youth Development, an open-source, peer-reviewed, quarterly online publication dedicated to advancing youth development practice and research. JYD serves applied researchers and evaluators as well as practitioners who work in youth-serving organizations or the intermediaries that support them.
JYD is the official journal of two of the largest professional associations for those working with and on behalf of young people, the National Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (NAE4-HYDP) and the National Afterschool Association (NAA).
As a reader, reviewer or author, please consider JYD your home for finding and sharing scholarship that bridges research and practice. For all the latest news and updates, follow us on Facebook and Twitter (@JournalYouthDev).
Society for American Sign Language Journal
The Society for American Sign Language Journal (SASLJ) is the official refereed journal of the Society for American Sign Language. Published biannually, SASLJ provides a platform for researchers, scholars, administrators, developers, assessors, practitioners, and students to impart and share the knowledge that is socially conscious and sensitive toward American Sign Language. The journal comprises high-quality scholarly work, empirical and theoretical research papers, case and descriptive studies, literature reviews, and book and performance reviews that address the signed language and related fields.
The Journal of Extension (Conferences)
ISSN 1077-5315
The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the flagship journal for Extension education.
Prospective authors are invited to view the full submission guidelines by visiting the link in the sidebar.
The Robert Frost Review
ISSN 1062-6999
Tigra scientifica
The aim of the journal Tigra Scientifica. is to make primary scientific literature accessible to general interested audiences.