Agronomic Crops
Headworms as Pests of Sorghum
Publication Date
Winter 12-9-2020
Publication Number
LGP 1102
This article provides an overview of a complex of pests which cause damage to grain heads of sorghum. These pests include corn earworm, fall armyworm, and sorghum webworm. The type of damage that they cause, economic injury levels, and integrated management strategies are discussed.
Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension
Publisher City
Clemson, SC
Target Audiences
Producers, researchers, educators, extension
Recommended Citation
Bryant T, Reay-Jones FPF. Headworms as Pests of Grain Sorghum. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2020 Dec. LGP 1102.