Figure S1. Correlation between the forewing length and distal mouthpart measurements of studied insect species. from Mouthpart conduit sizes of fluid-feeding insects determine the ability to feed from pores
The left graph shows insects in the prefed treatment and the right graph shows the unfed treatment. The graphs illustrate the nearly linear relationship between pore size radius ( for prefed insects. ;Forewing length (FWL) and food canal diameter (µm) measurements (mean±s.e.m.) of studied butterfly and fly species (n=5) with results of a paired t-test (P-values) comparing distal and proximal mouthparts measurements. ;Results of studied butterfly and fly species (n=5 per species), including percentage that fed on nanoparticle solution from filters of different pore sizes, percentage that salivated and fed, and limiting substrate pore sizes (calculated threshold of 50% that fed). ;Results of feeding experiments of studied butterfly and fly species (n=5 per species), including the percentage that fed on nanoparticle solution from filters of different pore sizes and limiting substrate pore sizes (calculated threshold of 50% that fed).
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figshare Academic Research System
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Data Set
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Yan, Huan; Lee, Wah-Keat; Wei, Qi-Huo; Reiter, Kristen E.; Gerard, Patrick D.; Bennett, Andrew; Lehnert, Matthew S.; Byler, Miranda (2017), "Figure S1. Correlation between the forewing length and distal mouthpart measurements of studied insect species. from Mouthpart conduit sizes of fluid-feeding insects determine the ability to feed from pores", figshare Academic Research System, doi: 10.6084/m9.figshare.4535327.v1
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