Additional file 3 of PA1 participates in the maintenance of blood–testis barrier integrity via cooperation with JUN in the Sertoli cells of mice


Additional file 3: Fig. S1. The expression pattern of PA1 in human and mouse. a) PA1 protein levels gradually increased during the development of testis. The expression pattern of PA1 in different developmental stages of murine testes (Day 7, Day 14, Day 21, Day 28, Day 35, Day 56) using Western Blot. Statistical analysis of the expression level of PA1 during the development of testis was showed in the lower panel. b) Semi RT-PCR results showed Pa1 was ubiquitously expressed in different mouse organs but especially enriched in the testis. β-actin was used as the loading control. c) Semi RT-PCR results showed Pa1 levels gradually increased in mouse testis with the development of testis. β-actin was used as the loading control. d) PA1 is localized in Sertoli cells in mouse testis during the whole spermatogenic cycle while the expression level of PA1 in different stages varies. Testes sections from adult wild-type mice (8-week-old) were stained for PA1 using immunohistochemistry as indicated. Arrows indicate positive cells for PA1 expression. e) PA1 was expressed in different testicular cells but especially abundant in Sertoli cells. Immunoblotting of PA1 was performed in Sertoli cells, SC; spermatogonium, SPG; spermatocytes, SPC; round spermatids, rST; elongated and elongating spermatids, eST.

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