Additional file 4 of PA1 participates in the maintenance of blood–testis barrier integrity via cooperation with JUN in the Sertoli cells of mice


Additional file 4: Fig. S2. Generation of Amh-pa1−/− mice. a) Schematic diagram for the generation of Amh-pa1−/− mice. Exon 1 and exon 2 (blue) of Pa1 were flanked by loxp sites (yellow) in Pa1F/F mice. These exons were specifically deleted in the Sertoli cells in Amh-pa1−/− mice. b) Amh-pa1−/−mice genotyping. The 250 bp band indicated floxed Pa1, the 200 bp band indicated Pa1, and the 400 bp band indicated Amh-cre. c) PA1 was specifically knocked out in testicular Sertoli cells of 5-week-old mice. Seminiferous tubule sections of Pa1F/F and Amh-pa1−/− testes were co-stained for WT1(green) and PA1 (red). The nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). Solid boxes showed localization of the enlarged images. Dashed circle indicated basal membrane of seminiferous tubules. Arrows indicated the nuclei of Sertoli cells. d) Body weights of 8-week-old Pa1F/F mice and Amh-pa1−/− male mice (n = 5 independent experiments) were similar. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. e) Testis weights of Amh-pa1−/− mice were significantly lower than those of Pa1F/F mice (n = 5 independent experiments). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ****p

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