Identification of differentially expressed genes in early inner ear development


Accession Number: GSE16918 Platform: GPL8764: Agilent-015068 Chicken Gene Expression Microarray 4x44k (Feature Number version) Organism: Gallus gallus Published on 2010-06-21 Summary: The first morphological evidence of the developing ear is a thickened disk of ectoderm known as the otic placode. However, signals for otogenesis are present even before the otic placode is physically apparent. Several inductive signals have been identified through candidate gene approaches, but there are still many gaps in the signaling cascade of otogenesis. Presently the candidate gene approach has largely exhausted known candidates. This project compares the pre-otic domain with a control region that is competent, but not specified to form otic placode. The purpose of this work is to identify genes that are differentially expressed in the pre-otic domain in order to generate a list of novel candidate genes for otic placode induction. Overall Design: Two condition experiment, pre-otic domain vs. rostral control (competent but not specificied to form otic placode); Biological replicates: 4 replicates for each condition consisting of pooled samples from 7 bi-lateral tissue microdissection; dye swap Contact: Name: Christian N. Paxton Organization: Christian Laboratory: Schoenwolf Deparment: Neurobiology and Anatomy Address: 2B-458 SOM, 30 N. 1900 E. Salt Lake City UT 84132 USA Email: Phone: 801-581-6157 Organization: Agilent Technologies Address: Palo Alto CA 94304 USA Email: Phone: 877-424-4536 Web-Link:

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Gene Expression Omnibus

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Data Set



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