Supplemental files for "Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis."


These are the supplemental files for the manuscript entitled, "Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis." To calculate the meta-analyses: calculations.R - Updated. Calculates individual effect sizes for each study; this file is sourced by metaanalysis with subgroup.R; update to account for updates to the data for Neumann et al. 2016. metaanalysis with subgroup and cumulative.R - updated from metaanalysis.R from version 1 and metaanalysis with subgroup.R from version 2. Reproduces the composite forest plot, summary table, and outputs. Includes a subgroup analysis stratified by baseline breakfast habit, and tests for the interaction between baseline habit and assigned breakfast condition. Now includes a cumulative analysis in which studies are added based on duration, from longest to shortest. neumann2016.csv - updated. Contains the raw data from Neumann et al. 2016, incorporating the corrections sent to us by the authors rho estimates for farshchi.R - Uses data from Geliebter et al. to estimate within-condition pre-post correlations; these calculations are manually included in calculations.R. PRISMA checklist.doc is the PRISMA checklist for the article with sections listed instead of page numbers, given that page numbers may change depending on viewing format. Updated with the subgroup analysis. Subgroup analysis - methods and results.pdf describes the methods and results of the subgroup analysis testing the interaction between baseline breakfast habits and assigned breakfast habits. Includes forest plots and summary table for the five anthropometric measurements that had enough comparisons to estimate an effect: body weight, BMI, body fat percentage, fat mass, lean mass. Cumulative analysis - methods and results.pdf describes the methods and results of the cumulative meta-analysis in which studies were added based on study duration from longest to shortest. Includes cumulative plots for the two anthropometric measurements that had enough comparisons for a meaningful cumulative analysis: body weight and BMI.

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