Biogeochemistry of Pond B (Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA): Sediment Core, Total extraction data, Pond B Savannah River Site July 2019. Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Actinides SFA
Pond B at Savannah River Site (SRS, South Carolina) is a monomictic reservoir that received SRS R reactor cooling water from 1961–1964. Previous studies conducted between the 1980s–1990s on the water column and sediments of Pond B measured trace amounts of Pu (33 MBq 238Pu and 430 MBq 239,240Pu), 241Am, and 137Cs. Since then, the pond has been relatively isolated and the radionuclide concentrations have not been monitored over time. Herein, about 30 years after the last publication on Pond B, we are re-evaluating the geochemistry and radionuclide distribution within Pond B at four locations along a horizontal transect from the inlet to outlet.This study investigated the distribution of anthropogenic radionuclides Pu-239 and Cs-137 along with total organic carbon, iron, and trace element in contaminated sediments of Pond B at the Savannah River Site (SRS). Pond B received reactor cooling water from 1961 to 1964, and trace amounts of Pu-239 and Cs-137 during operations. Our study collected sediment cores to determine concentrations of Pu-239, Cs-137, and major and minor elements in solid phase, pore water and an electrochemical method was used on wet cores to determine dissolved elemental concentrations.
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DOE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Repository
Document Type
Data Set
Recommended Citation
Kaplan, Daniel; Merino, Nancy; Kersting, Annie; Coutelot, Fanny; Powell, Brian; Wheeler, Jessica; Zavarin, Mavrik (2023), "Biogeochemistry of Pond B (Savannah River Site, South Carolina, USA): Sediment Core, Total extraction data, Pond B Savannah River Site July 2019. Subsurface Biogeochemistry of Actinides SFA", DOE Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Repository, doi: 10.15485/1910299
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