Replication Data for: The Importance of Correct Measurement: A Response to Palmer, et al
Palmer, D’Orazio, Kenwick, and McManus (PDKM) review a minority of changes we made to the CoW MID data, agree with most of those changes, but then argue that no scientific findings will be influenced by these or the thousands of changed values they ignore. We respond in two ways. First, we point out that principles of good science dictate that we discard dispute cases that either cannot be substantiated by the historical record or that do not meet dataset coding rules; we also discuss the ten-thousand-plus changed values PDKM still have not examined. Second, contrary to PDKM, we demonstrate how data differences greatly affect previous studies by returning again to the replications. There were substantial errors in both of PDKM’s replications, and these errors led them to incorrect inferences.
Publication Date
Harvard Dataverse
Document Type
Data Set
Recommended Citation
Miller, Steven; Gibler, Doug; Miller, Steven; Little, Erin K. (2021), "Replication Data for: The Importance of Correct Measurement: A Response to Palmer, et al", Harvard Dataverse, doi: 10.7910/dvn/6cwqnq
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