A repository of copyright educational resources for higher education | Clemson University


Welcome to CHEER! Copyright education at colleges and universities has multiple potential audiences (teaching faculty, librarians, students) with varied topics (ethical use, responsible publishing, developing issues) that could be presented through many means (internal presentations, online tutorials, expert workshops) at almost any campus. The goal of CHEER is to create a collaborative online exchange for engaging resources that can be utilized to increase awareness and education on these issues at any institution.

This repository provides the building blocks that anyone can use to develop copyright education and awareness programming at their institution. Elements range from images and text to full presentations. Licensed for re-use, you can customize elements to best fit the copyright needs of your situation and audience.

In addition to discovering copyright elements for building your own programming, you can submit your own works for distribution in the repository. Not only will you increase the impact of your own efforts, but sharing your works will help other institutions improve their copyright education, too.

By bringing together a variety of resources on copyright in higher education, we hope that this project will improve your programming, increase your productivity, and inspire your own copyright outreach to new levels that will make you want to CHEER.

Browse Contents

Scholarly Communication
Copyright in the Library
Copyright Law and Application
Continuing Education and Copyright
Copyright Across Campus