Attack of the Drones

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Publication Title

Road & Bridges


Scranton Gillette Communications


South Carolina is just completing a significant roadwork program where bonds have been leveraged so that 27 years of maintenance and construction activities could be completed in just seven years. During this period, the number of South Carolina interstate work-zone-related crashes and fatalities has been rising, with the state accounting for nearly 10% of the nation’s work-zone fatalities. The number of crashes in work zones in South Carolina nearly tripled in five years, increasing from 677 in 1998 to 2,601 in 2003. In all of these years, a leading cause of vehicle crashes is driving too fast for conditions. Because of the increasing number of work-zone crashes and fatalities in South Carolina, research into innovative ways to improve driver attention and reduce vehicle speeds in work zones has become a priority for the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT).
