Document Type
Publication Date
Patent Number
Patent Number 8865460
Disclosed are multi-chambered cell co-culture systems. The systems can be utilized to encourage the growth and development of isolated cells in a dynamic three-dimensional in vitro environment. The cell chambers (10) of the system can be in biochemical communication with adjacent chambers containing cells of different types, but the different cell types are maintained physically separated from one another. In addition, the local environment of each cell chamber can be independently controlled. For example, fluid flow characteristics through a single cell chamber can be independently controlled and maintained for each separate chamber of the system.
Application Number
Clemson University Research Foundation, Clemson, SC (US)
Filing Date
August 11, 2006
Primary/U.S. Class
Other/U.S. Class
435/289.1, 435/299.1, 435/305.1, 435/357, 435/297.2