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Patent Number
Patent Number 8778031
Disclosed are limb prostheses for use when normal use of the lower leg is temporarily or permanently lost due to lower leg injury or disease, including below-knee amputation. Disclosed prostheses provide full body weight support and allow a wearer to maintain the use of the hands and arms during ambulation. In addition, a wearer can maintain use of their own knee to flex and extend during ambulation, thereby better controlling the prosthesis during motion and providing a more normal gait as compared to previously known devices. In the event of permanent loss of the lower leg due to below-knee amputation, the disclosed prosthesis provides an alternative to socket-type prosthetic devices.
Application Number
Clemson University, Clemson, SC (US)
Filing Date
Primary/U.S. Class
Other/U.S. Class
135/65; 623/27; 623/39