Clemson Cooperative Extension

Clemson Cooperative Extension


Started in 1907 with Dr. Seaman Knapp, an agriculturist and special agent for the USDA, the program was intended to be farm demonstrations to instruct farmers on proper farming techniques. At Clemson, it quickly grew into a program to include rural youth and women. During the early years, Rockefeller Foundation provided aid, although not enough, to help with the increases in demand for information and instruction. Relief came in 1914 with Congressman A. F. Lever sponsoring legislation to establish a national extension service along with the financial support to operate the programs. As a result of the passage of the Smith-Lever Act, extension work in South Carolina was carried out in conjunction with the college and the USDA. By 1930 each county had a county agent, a home demonstration agent, and in many counties, subject specialists. After WWII, the role expanded further to address concerns of urban as well as rural dwellers. Throughout its history, Extension has disseminated information on hundreds of topics ranging from farming techniques, financial management, consumerism, health, and nutrition.

Tigerprints only contains a portion of the Clemson Cooperative Records. For a complete listing of the holdings, please contact the Clemson University Libraries’ Special Collections and Archives, 864-656-3031 or cusl [at] clemson [dot] com.


Browse the Clemson Cooperative Extension Collections:

Cooperative Annual Reports