Presentations | Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences | Clemson University


Submissions from 2013


Dendritic Polymers as Biocompatible Oil Spill Dispersants, David A. Ladner, Nicholas K. Geitner, Peng Xie, Ying Tu, Priyanka Bhattacharya, Ran Chen, Muriel Steele, Sean Powers, Andrew Whelton, and Pu-Chen Ke


Dendritic Polymers as Oil Spill Dispersants: Effectiveness and Toxicity Compared to Corexit 9500A, David A. Ladner, Peng Xie, Ying Tu, Nicholas K. Geitner, Sean Powers, Andrew Whelton, and Pu Chun Ke


Bioprospecting to Discover Local Algae for Biofuel Production, Cassidy Laird, Muriel Steele, and David Ladner


Effects of Aggregation State on Flux Reduction by Superfine Powdered Activated Carbon on Microfiltration Membranes, Mengfei Li, Jaclyn R. Ellerie, and David A. Ladner


Disolved CO2 - An Alternative for Cleaning Inorganic Scale from RO Membranes, Erin Partlan and David Ladner


Net Environmental Benefit - Life Cycle Assessment of Algaculture at Wastewater Treatment Plants, Muriel Steele, Annick Anctil, and David Ladner


Dendritic Polymer as Biocompatible Oil Spill Dispersants: Molecular Interactions and Effectiveness, Ying Tu, David A. Ladner, and Muriel Steele

Submissions from 2012


Mixtrophic Growth of Chlorella Protothecoides for Wastewater Treatement, Muriel Steele, Daniel Carey, and David Ladner

Submissions from 2011


Assessing and Reducing Energy Requirements for Membrane-Based Algal Biomass Harvesting, Muriel M. Steele, Daniel Carey, Pooja Mistry, and David A. Ladner

Submissions from 2010


Conditioning Films Formed by Algal Biopolymers in Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination, David A. Ladner, John A. Jurevis, and Mark M. Clark


Nanoparticle Rejection by Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes, David A. Ladner, Muriel M. Steele, Alex Weir, Kiril Hristovski, and Paul Westerhoff

Submissions from 2006


Characterization of Reverse Osmosis Membrane Foulants in Seawater Desalination, David A. Ladner