Publications | Environmental Engineering & Earth Sciences | Clemson University


Submissions from 2017


Increase in the Reduction Potential of Uranyl upon Interaction with Graphene Oxide Surfaces, V. N. Bliznyuk, N. Conroy, Y. Xie, R. Podila, A. Rao, and Brian A. Powell

Submissions from 2014


The Structure-Function Relationship of PAMAM Dendrimers as Robust Oil Dispersants, Nicholas K. Geitner, Bo Wang, Rachel E. Andorfer, David A. Ladner, Pu Chen Ke, and Feng Ding


Coagulation-Ceramic Membrane Filtrati on for U.S. Surface Water Treatment Summary, Tanju Karanfil, Amir Y. Alansari, James E. Amburgey, Meric Selbes, Jaehong Kim, Seungjin Lee, and Yonggyun Park


Integrating Algaculture into Small Wastewater Treatment Plants: Process Flow Options and Life Cycle Impacts, Muriel M. Steele, Annick Anctil, and David A. Ladner

Submissions from 2013


MIEX® Treatment of an Effluent-Impacted Stream, Xiaojie Gan, Daekyun Kim, and Tanju Karanfil


Calculating the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Water Utilities, Anthony H. Johnston and Tanju Karanfil


Navigating the Academic Job Search for Environmental Engineers: Guidance for Job Seekers and Mentors, David A. Ladner, Stephanie C. Bolyard, Defne Apul, and Andrew J. Whelton


Source Water and Microfiltration Plant Manganese Control Study, Daniel Olin Lewis, David A. Ladner, and Tanju Karanfil

Submissions from 2011


Formation of Halonitromethanes and Iodo-Trihalomethanes in Drinking Water Summary, Tanju Karanfil, Jia Hu, Darryl B. Jones, Jesse W. Addison, and Hocheol Song

Submissions from 2008


Effects of Quenching Methods on HAA Determination in Chloraminated Waters, Ying Hong, Suibing Liu, Hocheol Song, Jia Hu, Nuray Ates, and Tanju Karanfil

Submissions from 2007


HAA Formation During Chloramination - Significance of Monochloramine's Direct Reaction with DOM, Ying Hong, Suibing Liu, Hocheol Song, and Tanju Karanfil

Submissions from 2006


Aerogel & Iron-Oxide Impregnated Granular Activated Carbon Media For Arsenic Removal, Paul Westerhoff, Tanju Karanfil, and John Crittenden

Submissions from 2005


The Impact of Filtrate Turbidity on UV254 and SUVA254 Determinations, Tanju Karanfil, Ilke Erdogan, and Mark Schlautman

Submissions from 2004


The Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter for Disinfection By-Product Formation, Mehmet Kitis, Tanju Karanfil, and James E. Kilduff

Submissions from 2000


Characterization of an Isolate That Uses Vinyl Chloride as a Growth Substrate under Aerobic Conditions, Matthew F. Verce, Ricky L. Ulrich, and David L. Freedman

Submissions from 1999


Enhanced Biotransformation of Carbon Tetrachloride by Acetobacterium woodii upon Addition of Hydroxocobalamin and Fructose, Syed A. Hashsham and David L. Freedman

Submissions from 1998


TCE Adsorption by GAC Preloaded With Humic Substances, James Kilduff, Tanju Karanfil, and Walter Weber Jr

Submissions from 1996


Reduction and Acetylation of 2,4-Dinitrotoluene by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain, Daniel R. Noguera and David L. Freedman

Submissions from 1994


Predicting the Future Fate of PCBs in Lake Hartwell, Alan W. Elzerman, Kevin J. Farley, Frank M. Dunnivant, and Craig Cooper

Submissions from 1991


PCBs and Related Compounds in Lake Hartwell, Alan W. Elzerman, Frank M. Dunnivant, and Geoffrey G. Germann


Biodegradation of Dichloromethane and Its Utilization as a Growth Substrate under Methanogenic Conditions, David L. Freedman and James M. Gossett

Submissions from 1989


Biological Reductive Dechlorination of Tetrachloroethylene and Trichloroethylene to Ethylene under Methanogenic Conditions, David L. Freedman and James M. Gossett