Theses and Dissertations | Clemson University Research | Clemson OPEN
The "Theses" and "Dissertations" collections below cover all theses and dissertations completed at Clemson University between 2006 and the present day.

Theses and dissertations completed prior to 2006 may be found in the "Archived Theses" and "Archived Dissertations" and are accessible only to those on a Clemson University IP address or using Clemson's VPN service. Visitors not affiliated with Clemson University may request a copy through their local library's interlibrary loan service.

Please note, that the project to digitize pre-2006 theses and dissertations is ongoing. If you are unable to find an electronic version of the theses or dissertation you are seeking, you may find a physical copy in our collections. Please check the library catalog.

Submission form for alumni to provide us with permission to make their thesis or dissertation publicly available on Clemson University's institutional repository can be found here.


Browse the Theses and Dissertations Collections:



Archived Theses

Archived Dissertations