Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Publication Title

Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association


Kentucky has witnessed many changes in educational administration. An assessment of those changes, with a focus on school boards, was done. School boards are not efficient bodies and this is not a problem. If efficiency was the top concern, then minimizing time and costs would be dominant and schools would suffer. School boards are not particularly elite or expert forums and but this is preferable since such boards are forums for public interest. Finally, school boards are regarded as democratic, but by no means are they apolitical. Boards are the middle ground between public and private interests; the focus on contracts and personnel is probably coopted by communities or educators. Micropolitics permeate school boards; the democratic process and purpose of schooling demand micropolitical outlets such as school boards. Values for democracy perpetuate micropolitics to the point that school-site management offers another outlet for micropolitics. School-site management is not only effective in the micropolitical sense, it has spawned a new definition of local control: local school councils.

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