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2000 review of research on the Kentucky Education Reform Act


For explanatory purposes, the 1990 Kentucky Education Reform Act (KERA) is generally divided into three major clusters of initiatives: finance, curriculum, and governance. As explained elsewhere in this volume, the systemic complexity of KERA makes any divisions of its initiatives, artificial, and ultimately, insufficient, in describing the decade-old scope of Kentucky’s radical education reforms (Rinehart & Lindle, 1997; Steffy, 1993). For the purposes of this retrospective review of research, this chapter was designed to focus on the very heart of KERA’s purpose, the improvement of teaching and learning. For that reason, this chapter addresses a teaching-learning-oriented KERA initiative, curriculum, and the development and reorganization of two state agencies primarily involved in teaching and learning, the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) and the Education Professional Standards Board (EPSB).


This manuscript was a contribution to an unpublished monograph.

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Education Commons



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