Publications | Forestry & Environmental Conservation | Clemson University


Submissions from 2024


Supporting information for “Using drones equipped with thermal cameras to locate and count quail individuals and coveys: A case study using Northern Bobwhite Colinus virginianus in Mississippi, USA”, Jared A. Elmore


Supporting information for “Drone noise differs by flight maneuver and model: implications for animal surveys, Jared A. Elmore and Landon R. Jones

Submissions from 2021


The motion of trees in the wind: a data synthesis, Toby D. Jackson, Sarab Sethi, Ebba Dellwik, Nikolas Angelou, Amanda Bunce, Tim van Emmerik, Marine Duperat, Jean-Claude Ruel, Axel Wellpott, and Skip Van Bloem


Early chemical changes during wood decomposition are controlled by fungal communities inhabiting stems at treefall in a tropical dry forest, François Maillard, Erin Andrews, Molly Moran, Dan V. Du, Peter G. Kennedy, Jennifer S. Powers, Skip Van Bloem, and Jonathan S. Schilling


Water requirements for growth and survival of Swietenia macrophylla and Tabebuia heterophylla juvenile trees in relation to water production capacity of dew condensers1, Jodelin Seldon, Victor A. Snyder, Eric Harmsen, and Skip Van Bloem


Beyond leaf habit: generalities in plant function across 97 tropical dry forest tree species, German G. Vargas; Tim J. Brodribb; Juan M. Dupuy; Roy Gonzalez; Catherine M. Hulshof; David Medvigy; Tristan A.P, Allerton; Camila Pizano; Beatriz Salgado-Negret; Naomi B. Schwartz; Skip Van Bloem; Bonnie G. Waring; and Jennifer S. Powers


Soil biogeochemistry across Central and South American tropical dry forests, Bonnie G. Waring, Mark E. De Guzman, Dan V. Du, Juan M. Dupuy, Maga Gei, Jessica Gutknecht, Catherine Hulshof, Nicolas Jelinski, Andrew J. Margenot, David Medvigy, Camila Pizano, Beatriz Salgado-Negret, Naomi B. Schwartz, Annette M. Trierweiler, and Skip Van Bloem

Submissions from 2020


Evaluating artificial shelter arrays as a minimally invasive monitoring tool for the hellbender Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, Catherine M. Bodinof Jachowski, Beth E. Ross, and William A. Hopkins


Stem-inhabiting fungal communities differ between intact and snapped trees after hurricane Maria in a Puerto Rican tropical dry forest, François Maillard, Erin Andrews, Molly Moran, Peter G. Kennedy, Skip Van Bloem, and Jonathan S. Schilling

Submissions from 2019


Evaluating Myopic Loss Aversion of Forestland Owners, Mustapha Alhassan and Marzieh Motallebi


Developing a monthly radiative kernel for surface albedo change from satellite climatologies of Earth's shortwave radiation budget: CACK v1.0, Ryan M. Bright and Thomas L. O'Halloran


An Analysis of Common Forest Management Practices for Carbon Sequestration in South Carolina, Lucas Clay, Marzieh Motallebi, and Bo Song


Key habitat features facilitate the presence of Barred Owls in developed landscapes, Marion A. Clement, Kyle Barrett, and Robert F. Baldwin


Expanding beyond carnivores to improve livestock protection and conservation, Shari L. Rodriguez and Christie Sampson


Seed rain along a gradient of degradation in Caribbean dry forest: Effects of dispersal limitation on the trajectory of forest recovery, Brett T. Wolfe, Raúl Macchiavelli, and Skip Van Bloem

Submissions from 2018


Variation in regional and landscape effects on occupancy of temperate bats in the southeastern U.S., Benjamin D. Neece, Susan C. Loeb, and David S. Jachowski

Submissions from 2017


Will seasonally dry tropical forests be sensitive or resistant to future changes in rainfall regimes?, Kara Allen, Juan Manuel Dupuy, Maria G. Gei, Catherine Hulshof, David Medvigy, Camila Pizano, Christina M. Smith, Annette Trierweiler, Skip J. Van Bloem, Bonnie G. Waring, Xiangtao Xu, and Jennifer S. Powers


Assessing Alternative Silvicultural Prescriptions for Mid-Rotation, Unthinned, Spruce-Fir Stands in Maine, Patrick Hiesl, Mindy S. Crandall, Aaron R. Weiskittel, and Anil R. Kizha


Shifts in biomass and productivity for a subtropical dry forest in response to simulated elevated hurricane disturbances, Jennifer A. Holm, Skip J. Van Bloem, Guy R. Larocque, and Herman H. Shugart


Spread of common native and invasive grasses and ruderal trees following anthropogenic disturbances in a tropical dry forest, Xavier A. Jaime, Skip J. Van Bloem, Frank H. Koch, and Stacy A.C. Nelson


Forest composition and growth in a freshwater forested wetland community across a salinity gradient in South Carolina, USA, Xijun Liu, William Conner, Bo Song, and Anand D. Jayakaran


Effects of salinity and wet–dry treatments on C and N dynamics in coastal-forested wetland soils: Implications of sea level rise, Xijun Liu, Alexander Ruecker, Bo Song, William H. Conner, and Alex T. Chow


Poor transferability of a distribution model for a widespread coastal marsh bird in the southeastern United States, Nicolette S. Roach, Elizabeth A. Hunter, Nathan P. Nibbelink, and Kyle Barrett


The influence of exurban landscapes and local site characteristics on riparian vegetation, Nathan Weaver, Kyle Barrett, and Don L. Hagan


In-stream habitat predicts salamander occupancy and abundance better than landscape-scale factors within exurban watersheds in a global diversity hotspot, Nathaniel Weaver and Kyle Barrett

Submissions from 2014


An Analysis of Arthropod Interceptions by APHIS-PPQ and Customs and Border Protection in Puerto Rico, David A. Jenkins, Russell F. Mizell, Skip Van Bloem, Stefanie Whitmire, Leyinska Wiscovitch, Crystal Zaleski, and Ricardo Goenaga


Fire resistance in a Caribbean dry forest: inferences from the allometry of bark thickness, Brett T. Wolfe, Gabriel E. Saldaña Diaz, and Skip J. Van Bloem

Submissions from 2013


Forest Fragments as Barriers to Fruit Fly Dispersal: Anastrepha (Diptera: Tephritidae) Populations in Orchards and Adjacent Forest Fragments in Puerto Rico, David A. Jenkins, Paul E. Kendra, Skip Van Bloem, Stefanie Whitmire, Russ Mizell III, and Ricardo Goenaga

Submissions from 2012


Fuel Conditions Associated with Native and Exotic Grasses in a Subtropical Dry Forest in Puerto Rico, Jarrod M. Thaxton, Skip J. Van Bloem, and Stefanie Whitmire

Submissions from 2011


Multi-temporal unmixing analysis of Hyperion images over the Guanica Dry Forest, Maria C. Torres-Madronero, Miguel Velez-Reyes, Skip J. Van Bloem, and Jesus D. Chinea

Submissions from 2008


Forecasting effects of sea‐level rise and windstorms on coastal and inland ecosystems, Charles S. Hopkinson, Ariel E. Lugo, Merryl Alber, Alan P. Covich, and Skip J. Van Bloem

Submissions from 2007


A link between hurricane-induced tree sprouting, high stem density and short canopy in tropical dry forest, Skip Van Bloem, Peter G. Murphy, and Ariel E. Lugo

Submissions from 2006


Climate Change and Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Agroecosystems, Richard B. Thomas, Skip Van Bloem, and William H. Schlesinger


Structural response of Caribbean dry forests to hurricane winds: a case study from Guanica Forest, Puerto Rico, Skip Van Bloem, Ariel E. Lugo, and Peter G. Murphy


Structural response of Caribbean dry forests to hurricane winds: a case study from Guanica Forest, Puerto Rico, Skip Van Bloem, Ariel E. Lugo, and Peter G. Murphy

Submissions from 2005


The Influence of Hurricane Winds on Caribbean Dry Forest Structure and Nutrient Pools, Skip Van Bloem, Peter G. Murphy, Ariel E. Lugo, Rebecca Ostertag, Maria Riovera Costa, Ivelisse Ruiz Bernard, Sandra Molina Colon, and Miguel Canals Mora

Submissions from 2004


Regional Forest Types - Tropical Dry Forests, Skip Van Bloem, Ariel E. Lugo, and Peter G. Murphy


The Influence of Hurricane Winds on Caribbean Dry Forest Structure and Nutrient Pools, Skip Van Bloem, Ariel E. Lugo, Rebecca Ostertag, Maria Rivera Costa, Ivelisse Ruiz Bernard, Sandra Molina Colón, and Miguel Canals Mora

Submissions from 2003


Subtropical dry forest trees with no apparent damage sprout following a hurricane, Skip Van Bloem, Peter G. Murphy, and Ariel E. Lugo