Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

A novel modeling framework for lithium-ion battery dynamics control

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2015


Lithium-ion batteries have gained increasing prominence for energy storage applications over the last decade. However, the relative lack of understanding of complex transport processes occurring over a multiplicity of length scales has hampered the successful transition of this technology from portable electronics to automotive propulsion and grid storage applications. Macroscopic electrochemical models have been extensively studied to understand physicochemical processes that impact lithium-ion battery performance. While such models are effective for low current applications, their accuracy and predictability is significantly affected for high current applications such as in automobiles. In addressing this issue, we have developed a higher accuracy electrochemical model, and for the first time, identified an applicability regime where macroscopic continuum models that describe transport in a battery medium accurately capture microscale dynamics. This model determines an operating regime for different battery material chemistries, where its applicability is most suitable. It also clearly states when there is a need for alternate hybrid models. The successful implementation of this model can lead to the development of very reliable Battery Management Systems (BMSs). This modeling approach can also be extended to other electrochemical energy storage systems, and has significant consequences in the communications, electronics, and sustainable energy sectors.

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