Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2015


Contributing factors to the obesity epidemic in the US are great and complex but a leading factor is dietary behavior. Hectic schedules and increasing availability of highly processed foods, even in food desert areas, provide an appealing opportunity to feed a family quickly and at a cost-efficient manner. In an effort to combat the appealing nature of fast food consumption, it is essential to arm adults and adolescents with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to provide themselves and their families with healthy home-prepared meals. The purpose of this pilot study was to test the 8-lesson curriculum, Generations Eating Together Through Cooking (G.E.T.T. Cooking), and determine its efficacy in a low-income audience. Pre, post, and follow up evaluations and interviews were conducted. The 2 participating families demonstrated an increase in food budgeting, food security, food safety practices, consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, child involvement in cooking, and in-home meal consumption. A decrease in consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages, distractions during meals, food pickiness, food waste, and fast food consumption were also observed. Participation by children and adolescents was enthusiastic and “exciting” and provided numerous learning opportunities for both the adult and children participants.
