Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

The Desire to be Behind the Wheel: Looking at the Preference for Control from a Life History Theory Perspective

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2015


Title The Desire to be Behind the Wheel: Looking at the Preference for Control from a Life History Theory Perspective Matthew Majestic and T. Andrew Poehlman Abstract Prior research indicates that the socioeconomic status of a person during their childhood can have an influence on the actions a person makes later on in life. This paper looks to explore the relationship of different levels of childhood SES and effect it will have on preference for control. These studies contribute by demonstrating a difference in preference as a psychological driver of behavior with fast and slow strategies. The studies conducted (pending) demonstrate the preference for slow strategy to have more control while fast strategy preference less control. The implications of these findings provide the ability to provide another frame of reference in order for people to market more effectively in the future.

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