Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of the LIT ROOM: A Mixed-Technology Architectural-Robotic Embedded Environment for Augmenting Interactive Picturebook Read-Alouds

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2015


My developing, interdisciplinary research features the design and evaluation of technology-enhanced environments supporting multimodal, interactive picturebook read-alouds. Because we are entering a new frontier in literacy where technology-enhanced tools are changing the way we teach and children learn, it is increasingly critical to consider how these tools support interactivity, provide feedback, and generate creativity and innovative thinking. The on-going LIT ROOM study, presented here as research-in-progress, is an exemplar for innovative, interdisciplinary design research and suggests that in an increasingly digital society, children's literacy be cultivated in a robotic-embedded environment that is, at once, physical, digital and evocative of the picture-book being read. Inspired by concepts of embodied interaction, this research involves the implementation and evaluation of an intelligent, fine-tunable suite of architectural-robotic artifacts – the LIT ROOM - distributed at room-scale in a public library children’s room setting. Through a reconfigurable, co-adaptive learning environment, the LIT ROOM aims to augment the dialogical reading of picture-books within an engaging and exploratory space for the advancement of literacy.

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