Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

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Public reports provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services provide information on the performance and quality of the healthcare professionals and hospitals, as a way to help consumers make informed decisions about their healthcare choices. However, only limited evidence has been recorded in terms of their use by consumers of healthcare facilities. Report comprehensibility, complexity and inter-face design are some of the barriers that prevent users form using these reports. User engagement can be improved by integrating these reports with patient-generated anecdotal information. However, there has been limited research focused on the specific role of integrating such feedback into healthcare public reports, and its effect on the consumers’ decision making process. Using a between subjects design, 362 participants completed this study. The independent variables were, anecdotal information: supporting or criticizing facilities presented; and performance of healthcare facility based on public report: below average, average and above average. Participants primarily made their decisions based on public report information. However, when the anecdotal information was negative, they had higher reliance on anecdotal information while making their decisions. These results suggest the importance of providing authentic and moderated anecdotal information.
