Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)


Cliff Ellis

Document Type




Publication Date

Spring 2013


Woodruff is a small town in South Carolina that has declined since the closing of two major textile mills in the 1980s that once were its economic drivers. Economic decline has led to the physical deterioration of the buildings and streetscape elements on Woodruff’s Main Street. The conditions of a town’s Main Street reflect the identity of the town as a whole, particularly in a town the size of Woodruff with a total land area of 3.9 square miles. A component specific to Woodruff that emphasizes the necessity for a high quality downtown is the high volume of daily traffic that flows through it due to busy State Highway 101. The objective of this research is to provide façade design, streetscape and infill alternatives to revitalize Main Street Woodruff in a sustainable manner that will give the pedestrian a pleasurable experience and the passer-by motivation to stop and enjoy the amenities that the town has to offer. The methodology includes data gathering, SWOT analysis and a comparative visual analysis using “before and after” renderings of the site. Simple sustainable alterations such as façade improvements, streetscape additions and street narrowing vastly improve Woodruff’s downtown environment.
