Graduate Research and Discovery Symposium (GRADS)

Situational Awareness System for Power Grids


Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy

Document Type



Electrical Engineering

Publication Date

Spring 2013


The continuing increase of demand for electrical energy has resulted in power grids being operated closer to its operating limits. At the same time, integration of renewable energy sources introduces conditions of high uncertainty and high variability. Maintaining power system reliability under these conditions is a challenging task. Development in telecommunications and other advances have enabled more accurate and faster influx of data. However, more data does not equate to more information. With the plethora of data available it becomes necessary to extract information that a control room operator can act upon. Situational awareness (SA) in simple terms is to understand the current state of the system and based on that understanding project how things are to evolve over time. The situational awareness platform presented in this paper extracts information from data for the next time instance i.e. a step ahead of time and maps this data with geographic coordinates of utility assets. The geographic information system (GIS) provides a visual indication of health of individual units as well as that of the entire system.

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