Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop on Huge Data: A Computing, Networking and Distributed Systems Perspective | Conferences | Clemson University


This workshop brings together domain scientists, network and systems researchers, and infrastructure providers, to understand the challenges and requirements of “huge-data” sciences and engineering research needs and explore new paradigms to address the problems associated with processing, storing, and transferring huge data. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

huge data applications, requirements and challenges challenges of designing and working with devices for huge data generation storage systems for huge data software systems and network protocols for huge data in-network computing/storage for huge data software-defined networking and infrastructure for huge data infrastructure support for huge data debugging and troubleshooting of huge data infrastructure AI/ML technologies for huge data measuring the huge data transfer and computation scientific workflow of huge data access to (portions of) huge data sets protecting/securing (portions of) huge data sets.

2020 Program

Browse the contents of Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop on Huge Data: A Computing, Networking and Distributed Systems Perspective:

Data Storage
Data Processing and Security
Data Movement
Data Generation