Sections | International Journal of Interpreter Education | Clemson University

IJIE features the following sections:

Research Articles
Theoretical evidence-based articles that present findings from research on, or related to, interpreting education and training.
Practice-based presentations of reflections on educational practices and teaching activities that provide meaningful advancements in the processes of preparing future interpreters, maintaining the skills of current interpreters, or promoting the professional development of practicing interpreter educators. This section also welcomes original reviews of books, curricula, or resources that may be of interest to interpreter educators and trainers.
Open Forum
Publishable interviews with leading scholars, transcripts of debates or presentations of case studies that extend our understanding, and analyses of trends in interpreter education and training.
Student Work
Featuring aspiring interpreter education scholars, this section highlights graduate students' research projects related to interpreter education. This section encourages interpreter educators studying in Master's or Doctoral programs to share their work alongside established scholars in the field.
Dissertation Abstracts
Abstracts of Master's theses or Doctoral dissertations related to interpreter education.