Publications | Industrial Engineering | Clemson University


Submissions from 2016


Optimization Models to Integrate Production and Transportation Planning for Biomass Co-Firing in Coal-Fired Power Plants, Sandra D. Eksioglu, Hadi Karimi, and Burak Eksioglu


A multi-objective, hub-and-spoke model to design and manage biofuel supply chains, Mohammad S. Roni, Sandra D. Eksioglu, Kara G. Cafferty, and Jacob J. Jacobson

Submissions from 2015


Measuring the Potential Impact of Combination HIV Prevention in Sub-Saharan Africa, Amin Khademi, Sunanth Anand, and David Potts

Submissions from 2014


Should Expectations about the Rate of New Antiretroviral Drug Development Impact the Timing of HIV Treatment Initiation and Expectations about Treatment Benefits?, Amin Khademi, R. Scott Braithwaite, Denis Saure, Andrew J. Schaefer, Kimberly Nucifora, and Mark S. Roberts


Improving Tennis Player Performance Using System Development Interpretations Methodology, Dotan Shvorin and Kevin Taaffe

Submissions from 2013


Averting HIV Infections in New York City: A Modeling Approach Estimating the Future Impact of Additional Behavioral and Biomedical HIV Prevention Strategies, Jason Kessler, Julie E. Myers, Kimberly A. Nucifora, Nana Mensah, Alexis Kowalski, Monica Sweeney, Christopher Toohey, Amin Khademi, Colin Shepard, Blayne Cutler, and R. Scott Braithwaite