Volume 40, Number 5 (2002)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher
The Roles of Extension in Agricultural Economics Departments
Michael V. Martin
Employee Participation in Decision Making in Extension: A Ladder of Participation to Reduce Cynicism
Thomas J. Gallagher
Feature Articles
Examining a Professional Development System: A Comprehensive Needs Assessment Approach
Nikki L. Conklin, Laryssa L. Hook, Beverly J. Kelbaugh, and Ruben D. Nieto
Short-Term Interventions for Long-Term Needs: The Challenge of Bridging Youth and Community Development
Garry Stephenson, Shawn Morford, and Holly Berry
Participatory Approaches to Program Development and Engaging Youth in Research: The Case of an Inter-Generational Urban Community Gardening Program
Marianne Krasny and Rebekah Doyle
Information Technology Use by Local Governments in the Northeast: Assessment and Needs
Timothy W. Kelsey, Michael J. Dougherty, and Michael Hattery
New Mexico Cooperative Extension Service Home Economists' Perceived Technical Knowledge and Estimated Client Needs
Sonja D. Koukel and Merrilyn N. Cummings
Evolution of the Penn State Farm Management Extension Computer Lab
Robert L. Parsons, Gregory D. Hanson, Laura L. Watts, and Lehan Power
Research in Brief
Using Simple Educational Methods to Motivate Consumers to Prepare for Emergencies
Cathy Faulcon Bowen and Nakesha Faison
Assessment of NetMeeting® for Professional Development Programming
Joe Parcell and Nancy Giddens
Basic Botany On-Line: A Training Tool for the Master Gardener Program
Ann Marie VanDerZanden, Bob Rost, and Rick Eckel
Financial Information Base of Participants in FSA Borrower Training
Gregory Ibendahl, Steve Isaacs, and Richard Trimble
Forest Landowner Short Courses at Mississippi State University
Andrew J. Londo and Thomas A. Monaghan
Ideas at Work
Creating the Base for Extension Priority Issues
Diana Martenson
Sensational SuperCupboards
Katherine L. Carson, Jan F. Scholl, Judith W. Heald, and Catherine S. Harrington
Involving Fathers in Children's Literacy Development: An Introduction to the Fathers Reading Every Day (FRED) Program
Stephen Green
Kid's Klub--A New Approach to School-Age Child Care
Mary Novak and Merry Klemme
4-H Animal Care as Therapy for At-Risk Youth
Randy R. Weigel, Brenda Caiola, and Lise Pittman-Foy
Teaching Youth Through 4-H Animal Science Workshops
Clinton P. Rusk and Krisanna Machtmes
Tools of the Trade
Uncovering Resources for Your International Extension Experience
Debra Minar Driscoll
Reducing Computer Anxiety in Adult Microcomputer Training
Pam Dupin-Bryant
Distance Education--A Case Study in Practical Application
Kyle Cecil and David Feltes
The Community Economic Development Toolkit
Suzette Barta and Mike D. Woods
The Human Challenge of 4-H Horse Programs
Robin Galloway and Thomas J. Gallagher