Determination of training and development for personnel in any organization is a challenging task. The task is even more complex when employees have diverse job responsibilities. That is the challenge that faced a team of professionals with Ohio State University (OSU) Extension who designed and implemented a comprehensive training and development needs assessment in autumn 2000. Program personnel perceived a greater need for training in personal and professional development topics than in technical subject-matter topics. OSU Extension is not unique in facing the challenges of designing a professional development system that meets the educational needs of a very diverse population of employees.
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Recommended Citation
Conklin, N. L., Hook, L. L., Kelbaugh, B. J., & Nieto, R. D. (2002). Examining a Professional Development System: A Comprehensive Needs Assessment Approach. The Journal of Extension, 40(5), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol40/iss5/4