An effective Extension mechanism integrating value-added research with field management practice has been developed in Maryland. Through this mechanism, farmers are engaged in an alternative crop production process. We expect that value-added enhancements can be achieved and, subsequently, a sustainable/profitable agricultural community will emerge. The diverse research team ensures that a comprehensive approach to developing value-added products/markets will occur. Additionally, we expect that the effective coordination of scholarly research and Extension that is the cornerstone of this project will lead directly to improved and profitable farming practices and an enhanced quality of life for farmers and their rural communities.
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Recommended Citation
Lo, Y., Hall, J. E., Kratochvil, R. J., & Kenworthy, W. J. (2003). Integrating Value-Added Research with Field Management Practice: An Effective Extension Mechanism at the University of Maryland. The Journal of Extension, 41(2), Article 16. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss2/16