
Volume 41, Number 2 (2003)

Editor's Page


Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher

Feature Articles


Outcomes of Individual vs. Group Instruction in EFNEP
Jamie Dollahite and Michelle Scott-Pierce


Productive Partnerships for Food: Principles and Strategies
Ardyth H. Gillespie, Leigh A. Gantner, Susie Craig, and Kathleen Dischner

Research in Brief


Pesticide Use Changes in New York Vegetables: 1978 to 1998
Lydia J. Stivers-Young, Thomas P. Kuhar, and Michael P. Hoffmann


An Assessment of Consumer Preferences for IPM- and Organically Grown Produce
Geoff Zehnder, Chip Hope, Hoke Hill, and Libby Hoyle


An Interactive Survey to Assess Consumer Knowledge About Landscape Plant Health Care and IPM Practices
James C. Sellmer, Kathleen M. Kelley, David J. Suchanic, and Susan Barton

Ideas at Work


Implementing a 4-H Aquatic Resources Education Program in New York City Through Collaborations
Stephen C. Brown, Gretchen Ferenz, Marianne E. Krasny, and Carolyn Tse


Collaborations for the Community: The Partnership of Extension and Pharmacy
Bella Mehta, Kathy Reschke, Gerald Cable, and Joyce McDowell

Tools of the Trade


Best Practices in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Practitioner Handbook
Fe Moncloa, Marilyn Johns, Elizabeth J. Gong, and Stephen Russell