"Children's Books of Healthy Families/Libros de Niños Para Familias Saludables," which reached more than 2,500 parents and more 4,700 children, promotes positive parent/child and caregiver/child interaction, assists in parent/child bonding, and promotes school readiness. Evaluations revealed that the 2-year project increased positive parent/child interaction, that parents had a substantial increase in the number of books in the home, and that parents and caregivers increased the time spent reading to children and established regular reading times. By extending educational programming to at-risk and Hispanic audiences, Extension educators can make a difference in the well-being of the family and the community.
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Recommended Citation
Kock, J. (2003). Children's Literacy: Children's Books for Healthy Families/Libros de Niños Para Familias Saludables. The Journal of Extension, 41(2), Article 8. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol41/iss2/8