Mixed-mode data collection using a dedicated Web site and traditional paper instrumentation was used to investigate information technology use by county agents of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. The response to this census was 90.33% (n = 299). Patterns of hardware and software use on the job and self-rated overall IT skills were examined. Agents also self-assessed their ability to perform specific tasks using selected software. Future IT training needs were assessed via a "felt-needs" methodology. Results include significant differences in self-rated IT skills between age groups, a high hours/week of computer use, and a hierarchical list of training needs.
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Recommended Citation
Gregg, J. A., & Irani, T. A. (2004). Use of Information Technology by County Extension Agents of the Florida Cooperative Extension Service. The Journal of Extension, 42(3), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss3/13