The current drought situation and continued urban development have forced water issues to the forefront in the West. At Utah State University, a team composed of five extension specialists and six agents with expertise in soils, ornamental horticulture, turfgrass, water conservation and quality, and irrigation engineering was formed to respond to water issues. The team developed a drought resources Web site, 15 Extension bulletins on water management and conservation, water auditing workshops and training, and irrigation quality testing information. The team summarizes its approach and accomplishments to provide guidance for future issue teams.
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Recommended Citation
Koenig, R., Cerny-Koenig, T., Hefelbower, R., & Mesner, N. (2004). A Team Approach Enhances Statewide Water Issues Programming. The Journal of Extension, 42(3), Article 28. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss3/28