The purpose of a 4-year 4-H Inclusion Project conducted in North Carolina was to create intentionally inclusive 4-H environments and engage communities to address the needs of people with disabilities. In year one an experiential curriculum, "Shine Up and Step Out," was developed for youth ages 9 to 12 years. In the next 3 years, selected counties used the curriculum and developed training and resource opportunities. A summative evaluation showed how the county projects were successful and offered recommendations about the curriculum, statewide inclusion opportunities, program and policy, community involvement, and ongoing implementation and evaluation.
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Recommended Citation
Stumpf-Downing, M., Henderson, K., Luken, K., & Bialeschki, D. (2004). Creating Inclusive 4-H Environments for People with Disabilities. The Journal of Extension, 42(4), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss4/4