Volume 42, Number 4 (2004)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher
Latino Outreach Programs: Why They Need to Be Different
Beverly B. Hobbs
From Potluck Suppers to On-line Seminars: The Evolving "Face" of Social Interaction
Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel and Brenda Caine
Feature Articles
Creating Inclusive 4-H Environments for People with Disabilities
Mitzi Stumpf-Downing, Karla Henderson, Karen Luken, and Deb Bialeschki
Profiling Economic Capacity
David J. Connell and Ellen Wall
Cooperative Extension Responding to Family Needs in Time of Drought and Water Shortage
Kathy R. Bosch
Enhancing Public Understanding of Water Resources Issues: A Community-Based Short-Course for the Pacific Northwest
Kevin Laughlin, Ariel Szogi, Frank Burris, and Robert L. Mahler
A Case Study on Marketing the Florida Cooperative Extension Service
Carol A. Alberts, Ferdinand F. Wirth, Kerri K. Gilmore, and Sam J. Jones
Targeted Recruitment of 4-H Volunteers Involves Understanding Who Currently Volunteers and Why
Sanford S. Smith and James C. Finley
Looking Beyond the Empirical Data: A Discussion About Out-of-School Youth-Centered Tobacco Prevention Programs
Cynthia Gibbons and Cynthia Mark
Research in Brief
Measuring Impacts with Young Audiences: Adapting a Life-Skills Instrument for Use with Third- to Fifth-Grade Youth
Doris M. Loeser, Sandra J. Bailey, Rae Lynn Benson, and Mary Y. Deen
Physical Activity Behavior, Dietary Patterns, and Nutrition Knowledge of Third- and Fourth-Grade Students in Western Massachusetts
Hui-Wen Huang and Stella L. Volpe
Illinois Extension's Readiness to Address Children, Youth, and Families at Risk
Angela Wiley, Andre Mbassa, and Al Zwilling
Using Focus Group Interviews to Identify Needs for Stepfamily Education
Ruth Anne Foote, Lois Clark, and Nancy Recker
Refining Outreach to Woodland Owners in West Virginia--Preferred Topics and Assistance Methods
Daniel J. Magill, David W. McGill, and Rory F. Fraser
Determining Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices by Grains Farmers in Virginia
Sean Malone, D Ames Herbert Jr, and Susan Pheasant
Factors Contributing to Success of Small Farm Operations in Tennessee
Safdar Muhammad, Fisseha Tegegne, and Enefiok Ekanem
Ideas at Work
Super Nutrition Activity Program
Barbara Brown and Janice Hermann
Development of a "Canons of Practice" Policy at Washington State University
Emmett P. Fiske, Philip R. Wandschneider, Kay E. Haaland, and Robert H. McDaniel
Intermountain Beef 3910 Workshop--Collaborating with Industry in Extension Education
DR ZoBell, C Kim Chapman, Clell Bagley, and Kevin Heaton
Clientele Impact for Beef Producers from a Grass-Roots Style of Extension Programming
Cindy Sanders and Nick T. Place
A Model for Testing New Seed Technologies
Peter R. Thomison, Roger W. Elmore, Greg W. Roth, and Joseph G. Lauer
Development of Educational Programs for Retail Stores That Sell Pesticides
George F. Czapar, Raymond A. Cloyd, Pablo A. Kalnay, and Marc P. Curry
Tools of the Trade
Good Intentions, Muddled Methods: Focus on Focus Groups
Beverlyn Lundy Allen, Nancy Grudens-Shuck, and Kathlene Larson
Tips for Designing Publications for Underrepresented Audiences
Patreese D. Ingram, Marney H. Dorsey, and Sanford S. Smith
Teaching a Forage Crops Course to Extension Agents via Distance Education
Edward K. Twidwell and Bradley C. Venuto
The Internet as a Tool for Long-Term Program Evaluation: Locating "Lost" Individuals
Brenda K. Bryant and Juliana L. Raskauskas
A Web Site to Help Farm Families Communicate About Farm Transfer
Sharon A. DeVaney
Use of Personal Digital Assistants for Extension Program Record Keeping
Pete Vergot III, Fedro S. Zazueta, and Howard Beck