Targeted recruitment of volunteers appeals to volunteer managers who desire to increase both their program scope and the efficiency of their outreach efforts. This article describes a Pennsylvania study looking at who currently volunteers to teach youth about natural resources (forestry, wildlife, and water) through 4-H, for the purpose of better identifying and finding more volunteers. A telephone survey with 4-H agents and semi-structured interviews with 4-H volunteers depict the current natural resources volunteers and suggest three promising groups of potential volunteers. Important characteristics to look for among the members of these groups and a direct recruitment approach are presented.
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Recommended Citation
Smith, S. S., & Finley, J. C. (2004). Targeted Recruitment of 4-H Volunteers Involves Understanding Who Currently Volunteers and Why. The Journal of Extension, 42(4), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss4/9