Due to the common goal of youth leadership development, there is the opportunity for Cooperative Extension's 4-H clubs and Agricultural Education's FFA chapters to be more effective through cooperation. The qualitative study discussed here used focus groups to explore the level of and perceptions regarding cooperation among agricultural educators and Extension agents. Major themes that positively influenced cooperation were identified as: the relationship between the agricultural educator and Extension agent, the awareness of the other profession, and the understanding and perceptions of cooperation. Findings of this study indicated a lack of collaboration between disciplines.
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Recommended Citation
Grage, K. D., Place, N. T., & Ricketts, J. C. (2004). Exploring Cooperation Between Secondary Agricultural Educators and Livestock Extension Agents: A Case Study. The Journal of Extension, 42(6), Article 18. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss6/18