Volume 42, Number 6 (2004)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Laura Hoelscher
Is Extension an Idea Whose Time Has Come--and Gone?
George McDowell
Is Extension Relevant for the 21st Century?
Nancy H. Bull, Lawrence S. Cote, Paul D. Warner, and M Ray McKinnie
Feature Articles
Smith Lever 3(d) Extension Evaluation and Outcome Reporting--A Scorecard to Assist Federal Program Leaders
Bill Hoffman and Barbara Grabowski
A Profile of Female County Agricultural Agents in Today's CES
Brenda S. Seevers and Billye B. Foster
Agent Performance and Customer Satisfaction
Bryan D. Terry and Glenn D. Israel
Improving County-Based Science Programs: Bringing Out the Science Teacher in Your Volunteer Leaders
Martin H. Smith, Cheryl L. Meehan, Richard P. Enfield, and Jeanette L. George
Agricultural Landowners' Lack of Preference for Internet Extension
Jennifer L. Howell and Geoffrey B. Habron
Evaluating a Domestic Violence Task Force: Methods to Strengthen a Community Collaboration
Michele R. Cranwell, Jane M. Kolodinsky, Kym Anderson, and Frederick E. Schmidt
Research in Brief
Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Membership Survey: Results and Implications
Ben Jackson, Bill Hubbard, Mindy Habecker, and Mike Kroenke
Survey of Extension Professionals' Skill Levels Needed to Practice Public Issues Education
Loretta Singletary, Marilyn Smith, George Hill, and Patrick Corcoran
Leadership Training for Transforming the Community: A Participatory Approach
Nii O. Tackie, Henry J. Findlay, Ntam Baharanyi, and Atheal Pierce
Making a Case for Engaging Adolescents in Program Decision-Making
Jonathan R. Olson, H Wallace Goddard, Catherine A. Solheim, and Lisa Sandt
Personal and Life Skill Development Through Participation in the 4-H Japanese Exchange Program
Mary E. Arnold
Minimizing Farm Business Succession Risk in New England: Delivery of Transferring the Farm Workshops
Debra Heleba, Robert Parsons, and Michael Sciabarrasi
Exploring Cooperation Between Secondary Agricultural Educators and Livestock Extension Agents: A Case Study
Kristina D. Grage, Nick T. Place, and John C. Ricketts
Effectiveness of an SPAT Educational Program
Don L. Retchie, Alvin Larke Jr, and Wash A. Jones
Ideas at Work
Gardening in the Zone: A Collaborative Effort Between Iowa State University Extension and Mass Media Outlets
Ann Marie VanDerZanden and Cynthia Haynes
The Pendleton Community Garden Project--More Than Just Planting Seeds
Alice Voltund, Patricia Dawson, and Mary Corp
Getting the "Yes" to Sponsorships
Robin Galloway
Active Assessment for HACCP Training: Integrating Pedagogical Reasoning with Primary Trait Analysis
Y Martin Lo, Kazuko Fukuskima, Thomas E. Rippen, and Susan L. Gdovin
Developing a Heritage Festival
Robert F. Brzuszek
Development of a Task Force to Provide Education and Leadership to an Emerging Industry
Jeff Fisher, L Tony Nye, and David Mangione
Tools of the Trade
What Cooperative Extension Professionals Need to Know About Institutional Review Boards: Recruiting Participants
Randy Brown, Sally Martin, and Dan Weigel
3D Visualization in Community-Based Planning
I-Shian Suen and Timothy O. Borich
Total Resource Management: A Successful Professional Development Program
William E. Fox and Bruce Carpenter
Why Should 4-H Horse and Pony Youth Wear Certified Equestrian Helmets?
Katherine McKee and Colleen Brady
The Self-Guided Horse Facility Analysis: A Proactive Safety Education Tool for Equine Facilities
Elizabeth A. Greene and Josephine F. Trott
Soil Aggregation: A Practical Exercise for Crop Producer Education
Charles S. Wortmann and S Corey Burbaker