An active assessment mechanism based on Primary Trait Analysis (PTA) and the six aspects of a pedagogical reasoning model was developed to leverage the effectiveness of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) training. By integrating critical thinking into the design of problem scenarios, students are expected to go through five different levels of learning, starting with comprehending science content and available resources, transforming the information for accomplishing the task, and implementing into the target process and ending with evaluating and reflecting on various outcomes of the situation. Students are thereby are expected to develop new comprehension of the topics.
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Recommended Citation
Lo, Y., Fukuskima, K., Rippen, T. E., & Gdovin, S. L. (2004). Active Assessment for HACCP Training: Integrating Pedagogical Reasoning with Primary Trait Analysis. The Journal of Extension, 42(6), Article 23. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol42/iss6/23