We conducted a survey and literature review to identify affected stakeholders and gauge economic impacts from unwanted deer-human interactions in the northeastern United States. We estimated an annual economic impact from deer-vehicle collisions and deer depredation to select high-value agricultural, grain, and nursery crops, and residential and commercial landscaping for 13 northeastern United States at nearly $640 million. Our results can be used by Extension and wildlife professionals to inform and involve stakeholders participating in deer management decisions, tailor management strategies to mitigate deer-human conflicts, and assist policy makers when weighing the benefits against the negative impacts from deer.
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Recommended Citation
Drake, D., Paulin, J. B., Curtis, P. D., & Decker, D. J. (2005). Assessment of Negative Economic Impacts from Deer in the Northeastern United States. The Journal of Extension, 43(1), Article 15. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol43/iss1/15