Volume 43, Number 1 (2005)
Editor's Page
JOE by the Numbers 2004
Laura Hoelscher
A Call for Visionary Leadership
Chester P. Fehlis
An Extension Role in Foreign Trade
David Youmanns
Feature Articles
Extension as a Delivery System for Prevention Programming: Capacity, Barriers, and Opportunities
Laura Griner Hill and Louise A. Parker
Strategies for Engaging Scientists in Collaborative Processes
Lynne M. Hinkey, Kristy T. Ellenberg, and Brianne Kessler
Building a Collaboration for Youth Development: The "Club-Within-a-Club"
Theresa M. Ferrari and Laurie Beth Hartzell Sweeney
A Snapshot of the Change Agent States for Diversity Project
Patreese D. Ingram
Extension Staff Response to Increased Programming for At-Risk Audiences
Diane Klemme, Cheryl O. Hausafus, and Karen Shirer
Getting the Word Out in the Last Green Valley: Integrating Digital Video, Direct Mail, and Web-Based Information for Specific Target Audiences
Susan P. Westa, Stephen H. Broderick, and C Benjamin Tyson
Research in Brief
Iowa Producers' Perceived Benefits and Obstacles in Marketing to Local Restaurants and Institutional Foodservice Operations
Mary B. Gregoire, Susan W. Arendt, and Catherine H. Strohbehn
Will Tennessee Soybean Producers Support a Biodiesel Cooperative?
Burton C. English, Kim Jensen, and Jamey Menard
County-Level Extension Programming: Continuity and Change in the Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Laura Robinson, Mark Dubois, and Conner Bailey
Private Forest Landowners: What They Want in an Educational Program
Adam K. Downing and James C. Finley
Assessment of Negative Economic Impacts from Deer in the Northeastern United States
David Drake, Joseph B. Paulin, Paul D. Curtis, and Daniel J. Decker
Parents Forever: Evaluation of a Divorce Education Curriculum
Jodi Dworkin and Aysem R. Karahan
Assuring Youth Raising Livestock for Food Produce a Quality Product
Jamie L. Fassett, Rosemarie A. Nold, and S Kay Rockwell
Ideas at Work
Incorporating Parental Goals in Parenting Programs Through Collaborative Relationships with Parents
Glenn E. Fox Jr
The 4-H Summer Cultural Arts Day Camp: Bringing The World to "My World"
Jeanne Brandt and Mary E. Arnold
Using a Welcome Wagon Approach to Reach Out to Woodland Owners in Appalachian Ohio
David Apsley, Scott Bagley, and David Samples
Water-Wise Plant Recognition Program
Rick Heflebower, Teresa Cerny-Koenig, Molly Waters, and Ruby Ward
Nitrate QuikTest for Rapid Detection of High Nitrate Levels in Forages
S Dennis Cash, Julie Hager, Linda Keddington, and Ron Carlstrom
Tools of the Trade
What Cooperative Extension Professionals Need to Know About Institutional Review Boards: Risks and Benefits
Dan Weigel, Sally Martin, and Randy Brown
Non-Traditional Extension Education Using Video Conference
Dan Nudell, Beth Roth, and David Saxowsky
Promoting Biosecurity in the Equine Community: A New Resource for Extension Educators and the Equine Industry
Jennifer Ather and Elizabeth A. Greene
Ropes Course Builds Confidence and Teamwork in Teens
Kenneth Spoto and Beverly R. Bailey