Dairy producers hire employees to handle the daily demands of the business. Many employees are Hispanic, with limited experience working with dairy cattle. A quarterly Milking School has been organized to train Hispanic workers. Participation has increased with each seminar. Handouts and videos are available in English and Spanish. An Extension Dairy Specialist, who speaks fluent Spanish, serves as translator. Training at the university milking parlor demonstrates proper milking procedures and shows ways to respond to potential problems. At the conclusion of the training, students enjoy a meal and receive a Certificate of Participation entitling them to free English classes.
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Recommended Citation
Israelsen, C. E., Young, A. J., & Boman, R. L. (2006). Milking and Calf Care Schools for Hispanics in Cache County. The Journal of Extension, 44(4), Article 18. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss4/18