Potato Disease and Forecasting Information Delivery Harmonized Across International Borders with IMMPACT
International cooperation for managing the devastating disease, potato late blight, was accomplished with IMMPACT (International Maine Maritime Potato ACtion Team). This groundbreaking cooperation has fostered improved communication among information providers. Forecasting and information delivery to clients was harmonized. Delivery of real-time information to clients, whether end users or advisors, has occurred. With the close proximity and similar production area, frequently what occurs on one side of the production area affects the other side of the production area. In this case, each side of the production area happens to be in different countries. IMMPACT has led to increased international cooperation.
Recommended Citation
Johnson, S. B. (2006). Potato Disease and Forecasting Information Delivery Harmonized Across International Borders with IMMPACT. The Journal of Extension, 44(6), Article 22. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss6/22