Enumeration and Valuation of Horses: Methodological Innovations and Results from a Connecticut Study
As more statewide horse surveys are undertaken, continuous improvement of methodology is needed. We surveyed veterinarians to determine the number of horses in Connecticut. We also questioned horse owners regarding willingness to sell at fair market value. We estimate that there are 43,059 horses in Connecticut. Of horse owners, 80% would not be willing to sell at fair market value. Surveying state veterinarians as opposed to horse owners may be a more reliable method in determining horse numbers. Refinement of survey instruments and survey of a wider population may be necessary to establish the true social value of horses.
Recommended Citation
Nadeau, J., Shah, F., Chaudhry, A., & Maripani, J. (2006). Enumeration and Valuation of Horses: Methodological Innovations and Results from a Connecticut Study. The Journal of Extension, 44(6), Article 26. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss6/26